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Rizwansyah . Fir . Adzrin . Fitri . Hazwani . Grace . Teacher Illani . Wani . Sahrizan . Ody . Remy. We are family . (*≧∀≦*)


Our Target!!

To excel in PT3 2014!!

MoReH hOMEroom Illani 3 2014
WRITTEN BY YALE3ADMIN ON Saturday, August 2, 2014 [ 0 comments ]
Assalamualaikum and Happy Eid everyone!!
How's fasting, bet it's been great. But that's all in the past coz now we're celebrating Hari Raya. I'm pretty happy coz on the 28th of July, the first day of Syawal was also my birthday. Heeheee.. Anyways... -_-'' It's been a while since this blog is not updated. So I'm gonna write a post for this time.

So for the fasting month this year, our homeroom did not go outing for fastbreaking. It's really sad actually.. We all decided to throw a Moreh and at the same time celebrating Hazwani's birthday, my birthday, and also all the birthday boys and girls in the first semester. We had KFC's, delicious Blueberry Birthday cake and Teacher's special cocktail : Yum!!

Well... I guess that's it :P
Before ending this post I'll show you some of our pictures during moreh.. :)

Hehe.. Bye bye guys.. UnTILL NeXT TiMe!!

Put Your Hands Up !
WRITTEN BY YALE3ADMIN ON Friday, January 31, 2014 [ 0 comments ]
Assalamualaikum and hello guys!
This is the first post of this homeroom's blog. Made by yours truly, Firzana since I'm the homeroom's AJK Blog. This blog is still new so it's still needs a little more improving. I hope you all can support me through this.

Yale 3 or Homeroom Illani ranked first of all homeroom of form 2 in 2013. This is an achievement we've always targetted from the start. So of course we're were happy of this wonderful success because we're never reached the top rank before. I hope that my homeroom will continue to be the best and keep our ranking at the top.

In the year 2014, our homeroom is placed into one class, 3 Independen with another homeroom that is Imperial College of London 3 or Homeroom Razimah, which ranked second in last year exam. I hope that this two homeroom will work together to achieve success and excel in our PPMR this year.

As the first candidates of PPMR 2014, of course everyone will stress and worry. But I'm sure my homeroom have the confidence and have what it takes to survive PPMR. And since now there is merit and demerit system, I hope my homeroom will work hard to get merit points as well as avoiding demerits for our homeroom. I also hope that my homeroom will be active in doing activities and spending time as a family..

That's all for now.. I'll be sure to write more next time. Forgive me for this short post..


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